Wednesday, November 28, 2012

swansea beach chalets Framing itself as the Khasi cultural centre, Smit hosts the major fi ve-day Nongkrem Festival (Octob

From a distance Aizawl (pronounced eyezole) seems a painted backdrop to an Italian opera, such is the steepness swansea beach chalets of the ridge on which it s perched. Backs of homes at road level might be held there with stilts three times higher than their roofs.

Framing itself as the Khasi cultural centre, Smit hosts the major fi ve-day Nongkrem Festival (October). This features animal sacrifices and a curious slow-motion shuffling dance performed in full costume in front of the thatched bamboo palace of the local syiem (traditional ruler). Smit is 11km from Shillong, 4km off the Jowai road.

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