Friday, December 28, 2012

chalet woods This hard-to-beat option has helpful English- speaking staff, eager room service and superb food. Ro

SATRAS A satra is a monastery for Vishnu worship, Assam s distinctive form of everyman Hinduism. Formulated by 15th-century Assamese philosopher Sankardev, the faith eschews the caste system chalet woods and idol worship, focussing on Vishnu as God, especially in his Krishna incarnation. chalet woods Much of the worship is based around dance and melodramatic play-acting of scenes chalet woods from the holy Bhagavad Gita. The heart of any satra is its namghar, a large, simple, prayer chalet woods hall usually open sided and shaped like an upside-down oil tanker. Beneath the eastern end, an inner sanctum chalet woods hosts an eternal flame, chalet woods the Gita and possibly a horde of instructive (but not divine) images.

This hard-to-beat option has helpful English- speaking staff, eager room service and superb food. Rooms are neat, although some may not have external windows. It s by far the most popular of the city centre hotels and is worth booking in advance.

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