Saturday, December 29, 2012

salmon arm rv oCherrapunjee Holiday Resort HOTEL $$ (%09436115925;; Laitkynsew village; d 148

Hotel Prag Continental salmon arm rv HOTEL $$ (%2540850;; MN Rd; s/d from 1180/1725; a) The spacious and well-furnished rooms with wooden floors on offer at this hotel are as spotless as the aquarium full of brightly painted fi sh that sits in the reception. The staff are attentive and discounts easy to come by. It s on a quieter side street and has a good restaurant.

oCherrapunjee Holiday Resort HOTEL $$ (%09436115925; salmon arm rv; Laitkynsew village; d 1480-1800; iW) With seven eminently comfortable rooms, salmon arm rv this resort is run by truly delightful hosts. They off er a selection of hikes, either self-orientated (using their hand-drawn maps) or with a local guide. Built on a ridge, rooms either look down to Bangladesh salmon arm rv or up to the escarpment. During peak times tent accommodation ( 600) is available with shared bath

This hard-to-beat option has helpful English- speaking staff, eager room service and superb food. Rooms are neat, although some may not have external windows. It s by far the most popular of the city centre hotels and is worth booking in advance.

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