Friday, December 28, 2012

the wildernest bed & breakfast it is a necessary stopover. In the town itself is the Hotel Kanga Karo Palace (%223531; r 750), whic

it is a necessary stopover. In the town itself the wildernest bed & breakfast is the Hotel Kanga Karo Palace (%223531; r 750), which is brand new but already looks like its on its last legs. Even so it s still a damn sight better than the couple the wildernest bed & breakfast of ultra- basic places around the market. If you have your own transport, far more interesting accommodation the wildernest bed & breakfast is available in the small, traditional thatched village of Ligu (coming from Ziro take the left turning just before the bridge at the entrance to Daporijo) where you ll find the basic, but delightful Ligu Tourist Resort (%223114; r 700). The family who run it cook up fantastic meals. Vanishing the wildernest bed & breakfast under the shadow of jungle trees, Ligu village itself is well worth exploring and the people are truly lovely.

was a princely exercise in aesthetics; the finest craftsmen building a summer palace of luxury in a blend of Hindu and Islamic the wildernest bed & breakfast architectural styles. The delightful waterborne approach by speedboat (passenger/boat 20/400) or fancy rowboat (boat 100) is the most enjoyable part of visiting.

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