Monday, December 31, 2012

sea chalet The two main villages are Kamalabari, 3km from the ferry port and Garamur, 5km further north. The mo

The two main villages are Kamalabari, 3km from the ferry port and Garamur, 5km further north. The most interesting, accessible satras are the large, beautifully peaceful Uttar Kamalabari (1km north, then 600m east of Kamalabari) and Auniati (5km west of Kamalabari), where monks are keen to show you their little museum (Indian/ foreigner/camera/video sea chalet 5/50/50/200; h9.3011am & 12-4pm) of Ahom royal artefacts. The best chances sea chalet of observing chanting, dances or drama recitations are around dawn and dusk or during the big Ras Mahotsav Festival (third week of November).

Assam State Museum MUSEUM (GNB Rd; admission/camera/video 5/10/100; h10am-5pm Tue-Sun, until 4pm winter) This museum is worth a visit. It has a large sculpture collection, while the upper floors are devoted sea chalet to informative tribal culture displays. You get to walk through reconstructed tribal homes.

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