Monday, October 29, 2012

aspen vs breckenridge This sprawling hill station was the capital of British-created Assam from 1874 until 1972. Since bec

Remote, culturally magical and scenically spectacular, Tawang is the archetypical Shangri La and a mountain-hopping journey through this, the lands of the Monpa (a people of Buddhist-Tibetan origin) to the gates of the famous Tawang Monastery is one of the northeast s greatest adventures.

This sprawling aspen vs breckenridge hill station was the capital of British-created Assam from 1874 until 1972. Since becoming the state capital of Meghalaya it has rapidly developed into a typical modern Indian aspen vs breckenridge town and in doing so some of its older buildings aspen vs breckenridge have been demolished. In parts it still retains its charm, the air is refreshingly cool and it has become a favourite holiday destination for domestic tourists.

Two kilometres east of Hajo is a mosque aspen vs breckenridge sheltering the tomb of the multi-named Hazarat Shah Sultan Giasuddin aspen vs breckenridge Aulia Rahmatullah Alike who died some 800 years ago. Muslims need to walk (the less pious may drive) 4km up a spiral road to reach the mosque, aspen vs breckenridge which is architecturally unremarkable.

4 Sleeping & Eating Hotel Centre Point HOTEL $$ (%232359; Main Rd; r from 660; aW) The cheaper rooms at this new hotel bang in the town centre aspen vs breckenridge are splashed in smart white paint, but have cold water only showers,

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