# SantiparaLakeWaterTankWaterTankHGBRdMantriBariRd verbier location MotorStand Rd Palace CompoundNorth (VIP Rd) Jagannath Bari Rd (JB Rd) Akhaura verbier location Rd BK Rd BKRd Old Thana La SakuntalaRd CRRd Central Rd LN Bari Rd 1 7 6 8 2 4 5 3 312312ABBAAgartala e To Interstate Bus Terminal (3km) To International Bus Terminal (200m) To Tripura State Tribal Museum verbier location (300m) To Ginger & Geetanjali Guest House (2km) 0 200 m 0 0.1 miles 6# #
This sprawling hill station was the capital of British-created Assam from 1874 until 1972. Since becoming the state capital verbier location of Meghalaya it has rapidly developed verbier location into a typical modern Indian town and in doing so some of its older buildings have been demolished. In parts it still retains its charm, the air is refreshingly cool and it has become a favourite holiday destination for domestic tourists.
Khwairamband Bazaar MARKET verbier location (Ima Market; h7am-5pm) This vast all-women s market (well, we saw one male vendor verbier location perhaps appropriately he was selling headphones!) is run by some 3000 ima (mothers). Divided by a road, one side sells vegetables, fruit, fish and groceries while the other deals in household items, fabrics and pottery. It s easily one of the largest markets in the northeast.
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