Tuesday, October 30, 2012

lausanne studio Mizo culture has no caste distinctions and women appear liberated; in Aizawl girls smoke openly, wea

Jam-packed buses and vans ( 10/20) meet arriving ferries then drive to Garamur via Kamalabari where three-wheelers are easier to rent. For a few days consider arranging a bicycle through lausanne studio Jyoti at La Villa.

Mizo culture has no caste distinctions and women appear liberated; in Aizawl girls smoke openly, wear jeans and hang out in unchaperoned posses meeting up with their beaus at rock concerts on the central field.

Broadway INDIAN, CHINESE $$ (GS Rd; mains 60-150) With a a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere and an impressive lausanne studio array of aquariums full of goldfish, lausanne studio this no- nonsense restaurant serves a tasty mix of Indian and Chinese meals.

The best of the couple of diff erent options are the tastefully renovated Banyan Grove (%9954451548; lausanne studio www.heritagetourism india.com; s/d 6272/7280; lunch 350, dinner 450; s). Dating from the late 19th century, its rooms are crammed with antiques and the drawing room is straight lausanne studio out of a Victorian period drama. It has wonderful lawns and verandas overlooking a tea estate and swimming pool. The site is 7km down rural tracks from Km442 on NH37 (Jorhat Deragaon Rd).

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