Sunday, October 28, 2012

chalet koala Assam State Museum MUSEUM (GNB Rd; admission/camera/video 5/10/100; h10am-5pm Tue-Sun, until 4pm win

Assam State Museum MUSEUM (GNB Rd; admission/camera/video 5/10/100; h10am-5pm Tue-Sun, until 4pm winter) This museum is worth a visit. It has a large sculpture collection, chalet koala while the upper floors are devoted to informative tribal culture displays. You get to walk through reconstructed tribal homes.

Mizo culture has no caste distinctions and women appear liberated; in Aizawl girls smoke openly, wear jeans and hang out in unchaperoned chalet koala posses meeting up with their beaus at rock concerts on the central field.

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