Wednesday, October 31, 2012

silverwolf chalets Hotel Rajawas (%2323307; www.hotel; AT Rd; s/d from 687/860; ai) is a new, mirror-fronte

Mizo culture has no caste distinctions and women appear liberated; in Aizawl girls smoke openly, silverwolf chalets wear jeans and hang out in unchaperoned posses meeting up with their beaus at rock concerts on the central field. silverwolf chalets

panelled rooms with a more reliable electricity supply than many similar places. It s in the market area. The Hotel Siddhartha (%222515; s 750, d 1030-1350) has large, carpeted and well-kept rooms that help make it the best of the town-centre options.

some impressive traditional buildings all set, surreally, under two giant mobile phone towers. Shingha Chingyuo village (20km, population 5900) has a huge longhouse decorated with mithuna (pairs of men and women) and deer skulls, three stuff ed tigers, and a store of old human skulls. Longwoa (35km) is spectacularly sited on the India Myanmar border, with the headman silverwolf chalets s longhouse silverwolf chalets actually straddling the two nations. Despite its popularity with tourists it remains one of the most interesting villages. Chui (8km) includes an elephant skull in its longhouse collection. Shangnyu village has a shrine full of fertility references such as tumescent warriors, a crowing cock, a large snake, a man and woman enjoying sex and, to complete the picture, a double rainbow. silverwolf chalets Langmeang village, with its stack of human skulls piled up in a wooden box, is also highly impressive.

Hotel Rajawas (%2323307; www.hotel; AT Rd; s/d from 687/860; ai) is a new, mirror-fronted hotel with a flowerfilled lobby, cheeky modern art on the walls and decent bathrooms. The deluxe rooms are the best bet (single/double 1144/1399). If you ve just trudged in from the mountains and jungles of Arunachal Pradesh you ll think its in-house restaurant (mains 120-160) is the best thing since sliced bread (or maybe cold dhal).

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